How we work

It was passion of Shri.Suresh Prasadji of Mastipur, Bodhgaya who always had the passion to grow trees everywhere. He has been doing this long and now with his son's assistance taken this forward. He travels village to village to carrying small plants and seeds and gives to village families to help grow them. Most of the trees are fruit yielding tress such as Mango, Guava, Jackfruit, Chickoo, Lemon etc., They start giving fruits in few years and benefits. Families nurture these plants sincerely. The project is done with minimal cost for saplings which cost Rs.80 to Rs.120/- based on type of plants. In addition, little manuere, insect controllers require to be supported with to ensure that the plants survive to grow bigger. Over the past 5 years, they have done thousands of trees silently. They covered villages - Laxmipur, Rajwar, Ladu, Marichbigha, Vonobapuri, Niranjana River banks, Vinobapuri, Bahiradhi, Nawadhi, Kariyadpur, Aranga, Kathadhi, Barandi,Aamokhap, Lat and many more. Their hardwork is recognised by Mr.Jan Holm from Denmark who heads his own Social welfare organisation - Namaste network, set up by like-minded Danish people. In addition Ms.Elena from Ukraine has seen their effort and made an audio visual.
